Friday, November 16, 2007


Bury Bonds Before Bonds Buries the League

Here we are again...Another day, another allegation. As everyone in the sporting world must know by now, Barry Bonds has been indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice charges. The Feds are saying he knowingly lied during his grand-jury testimony. There are a few questions regarding his testimony that I do not understand. Why would he lie during his testimony even

after he was given immunity from prosecution? He could have said he shot up steriods, bought them in Columbia and sold them to the kids in his neighborhood and none of those statements could be used against him in court. But he still lied. He still said "nope," not me.

Why? Why would he intentional lie knowing that the truth could have set him free. Now he faces some serious charges and possible jail time. Why wont he just come out and state the obvious? Just take a look at the photos above. Its almost hard to believe that they are the same person. It seems that those two photos would be all the prosecution needs as evidence.

For example, "Mr. Bonds, who is the baseball player in the Pirates uniform?"

"It's me!"

"Mr. Bonds, who is the person in the black sleevless shirt?"

"That would be me as well."

"Are you trying to tell me that between the ages of 36 and 43, you went from this guy to that guy without taking any performance enhancing drugs?"

"I did not knowingly take them."

"So, you nearly doubled your size, power, and neck width and thought the drugs you were taking had nothing to do with it?"

"No more questions"
Is Barry just that stupid? The short answer is no. Barry Bonds graduated from Arizona State with a degree in criminology, of all things and has successfully manuvered his way out of trouble for the large part of his career. However, if the question was, is he that arogant, then the answer is yes. He actually believes he is above the law. We are talking about a guy who trademarked himself. The same guy who withdrew from the Major League Baseball Players Association, so that the MLBPA could not use his likeness. Anything "Bonds" had to be approved by Barry himself. Above the law, above the league and above the players.
In my opinion, its gonna be different this time. Barry might want to think about dusting off his college diploma and putting it to work in court, cause he is gonna need it.
Barry has been marching to his own drum for quite awhile. Now is time for the League to support Barry in his march. And they need to make it permanent. Barry needs to be "Rosed" as in Pete "Rosed," out of the game. He is a disgrace to the league, to his team, to his family and to the fans. And it needs to be sooner rather than later.